summer clip art

summer clip art. clip art sunny day.
  • clip art sunny day.

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 7, 10:45 AM
    Perhaps. You may well be right. But the point was that Apple was the first to seriously use USB and the first to remove floppy drives -- so they get to take the credit for "being innovative", and when everyone else follows suit, whether they were actually being copycats or for whatever other reason, they get credit for "being the leader" and "everyone copies them".

    USB was an Intel initiative, not an Apple one. It was all over the tech news if you read PC rags back then, way before the Bondi blue plastic was a pipe dream at Apple.

    And adopting someone else's interconnect and removing an internal floppy drive is innovative how ? Especially the removing part...

    summer clip art. Images/Summer Clip Art
  • Images/Summer Clip Art

  • JayMysterio
    Dec 8, 06:24 PM
    The multiple games give you choices...but this game alone gives you no choice but to run and gun. If i wanted to Run and Gun and waste my life i'd go join the taliban and pray to Allah.

    This game gives you very little choice and in that makes the game terrible.

    And you said it yourself. Treyarch ruined the game for all the snipers. Great job!

    Treyarch = morons and dip*****. Bring back Infinity War. Black Ops Blows.

    Have you decided what type of game you want to play? Cause if you don't want to run & gun, go play some hardcore. I promise you, you and 7 others will sit & camp for 20 or 30 minutes and you should be in heaven. As far as the taliban thing, it's a free country knock yourself out.

    There are four frikkin' gametypes, each with match types of their own. If you can't find a game you like, it's because you don't want to. Play hardcore, play pure without the killstreaks, play only with players who've prestiged. But really, there's only one way to play the game? There's a word called creativity, give it a try. You may change up your game style. Not everyone runs & guns, some camp, some die. Just grasp the idea you can't sit up in a clock tower all day and NOT expect to get shot back at.

    The game gives you every choice in the world, the question is if it's the right choice. Some maps will allow you to camp and slow the game down, other maps won't have it. The game is far more fluid than others, because of it's unpredictability. Sometimes that works for you and it's great, other times it won't. It's a trade off. Will you have all day to camp as you seem to want to? Probably not, once a 'spawn flip' occurs and you find someone behind your camp site. Personally I like the non static spawn points, while the spawning often works against me, I don't hear to much about spawn camping. I personally like the rarer spawn camping.

    No, I said Treyarch 'nerfed' sniping. Now if you want to snipe, it actually takes something called 'skill'. You want a one hit kill, it better be dead on in the forehead or back of skull. No more auto assist towards an expanded hit box. There are one hit kills, as you've probably done a headshot or two, but now they are truly difficult. Not the old Rainbow Six shots with the Barrett that grazed your boot and were instant deaths. Now when I play it's often that a sniper tries a few times. Near misses are just that now, near misses, not the instant kills because a bullet was in the same township of your guy.

    As I said, Black Ops is an alternative, a choice. If you don't care for it, I'm pretty sure you can take it out of your xbox, and go play something else. I believe they make a new Cabela's hunting game where camping is an important part, very little running & gunning I assume. Otherwise more than enough people are playing MW1 & 2, and they will welcome you. There are also more than enough enjoying Black Ops, don't join them, ...they haven't missed you.

    summer clip art. See also: Clipart Summer
  • See also: Clipart Summer

  • vwcruisn
    Apr 5, 03:28 PM
    Probably, but as I am in the Marketing and Advertising business I will find this quite useful. Many of you are so quick to dismiss the usefulness of this App simply because you don't understand its true purpose.

    "doesn't apply to me so it's useless" mentality. guess the world revolves around them :p

    summer clip art. Vector clip-art illustration
  • Vector clip-art illustration

  • Hallivand
    Apr 6, 04:49 AM
    So an app advertises an app for advertising more apps.

    Nice one Apple.

    summer clip art. Happy Sunny Summer Day Clipart
  • Happy Sunny Summer Day Clipart

  • wlh99
    Apr 27, 09:34 AM
    Update *** "I though it worked but the timer kept going on the background.

    crashed :confused:

    wlh99, do you get an exception in the invalid method " [myTimer Invalidate]" ?

    I didn't test the code at all, so no. But it doesn't surprise me. An exception is thrown when you try to message an object that no longer exists.

    I test to see if myTimer is nil as a check to see if the my timer object exists. But elsewhere in the progam I release myTimer and never set myTimer to nil. So, the pointer still points to a memory location, but no object is there so the [myTimer invalidate] fails with an exception. It's a very beginner mistake on my part.

    mytimer = nil;
    to the cancelIt: method.

    I strongly recommend reading this document:

    The important thing (assuming you are trying to learn to program) is that you don't just accept that it works, and that instead you know why what you were doing was wrong, and why the answer works.

    Look at your first post. Can you say why it crashes? ulbadr's response was pretty direct in his answer, and you didn't understand it. Do you understand it now? Can you say for sure what the code you first posted does, and why it crashes?

    summer clip art. Seasons :: Summer Clip Art
  • Seasons :: Summer Clip Art

  • charlituna
    Apr 8, 02:30 PM
    I realize this is a rumor site, but posting conflicting rumors in the same day is getting obnoxious. Is there ANY fact checking at all?

    MacRumors always checks their facts. How dare you suggest otherwise. And it is a fact that TechCrunch posted a story that said . ..

    Best Buy = Worst Buy.. I hold my opinion that they are worst buy.

    I don't have a problem with Best Buy per se. Just some of their sales people and store managers. They are undertrained for what they are talking about (so what is the Z12q rating on this Mac again?) or just way pushy about their Geek Squad etc.

    My way around there is to go in to window shop and then I price check around and if it turns out that Best Buy has the best price I'll order online for in store pick up and avoid the floor staff. A win all the way around

    summer clip art. with stars; clip-art
  • with stars; clip-art

  • bcslay
    Sep 12, 03:04 AM
    well, I can see that it wouldn't be fast enough for unbuffered video, but if the receiving piece of hardware could decode h.264, then it would be fast enough, right? I can stream h.264 from apples website wirelessly.

    summer clip art. Illustration Clip Art
  • Illustration Clip Art

  • tvachon
    Jan 9, 01:44 PM
    I dont know if i can take it, what is the average wait after the keynote finishes? 2 hours?

    summer clip art. Summer Season Clip Art
  • Summer Season Clip Art

  • hob
    Jan 9, 02:22 PM
    I just PM'ed Arn

    summer clip art. summer clipart
  • summer clipart

  • -hh
    Oct 19, 01:05 PM
    Let's do this math...
    $1,810,330 - $94,070.00 = $1,716,260.00 stock worth.

    I have not sold one share. Now who is laughing. Thank you iPod.

    Does this mean you're buying lunch for all of us? :)

    FWIW, I regret not buying some AAPL a long, long time ago...didn't do it because my employer makes it a major hassle to own individual stocks because they apply stricter financial reporting requirements (if I were to set up an automatic monthly purchase, I'd have to report it every month, run it up through management for signatures *every* month, etc, etc. Very painful).


    summer clip art. Butterfly Clip Art
  • Butterfly Clip Art

  • whooleytoo
    Apr 13, 08:04 AM
    That again? You do realize that 9/11 had very little to do with airport security but everything to do with incompetence on the side of the secret service and negligence on the side of the US government? TSA has not made airtravel any safer than prior to 9/11.

    The secret service might get lucky and stop a terrorist organisation before they do any harm, but they can do nothing to prevent a nutter getting on a plane if he doesn't have any record. It's up to the airport security to limit the weapons available to him on the plane, it's the best they can do.

    And it's up to everyone to decide what the 'best balance' is between privacy and safety. One thing is certain - the TSA (or any other airport authorities around the world) are always wrong: searches like this are wrong/if a weapon slips through and is used in a hijacking they're wrong.

    summer clip art. pretty good summer.
  • pretty good summer.

  • Applejuiced
    Apr 15, 03:53 PM
    That doesnt look right.
    Square on the sides instead of the way it is now.
    And whats that wide slot on the side?
    Also theres traces of photoshop usage on those pics they say.

    summer clip art. Clip Art Collection
  • Clip Art Collection

  • PeteyKohut
    Jan 15, 04:05 PM
    This has to be one of the worst Macworld keynotes ever....and there were a couple of stinkers. I mean....where are the new MacBook Pros? Where is a new Mini? Where is an AppleTV with an OPTICAL DRIVE! Nowhere to be seen. What do we get? A new laptop where they charge us more and give us less. I mean...when was the last time Apple shipped a computer without Firewire??? Please! Hell...they should have saved the Mac Pro announcement for today, to add SOMETHING to the awful show. Maybe then my portfolio wouldn't have taken the dive it did. Come on, Steve, is this the best you can do? Where are these new Apple/Intel devices??? My biggest disappointment is the lack of Blu-Ray though. I mean, no new iPod? No new iPhone. I mean....I don't need anything HUGE, just some storage increases. Bad....bad bad bad.

    summer clip art. (RF) Clip Art Illustration
  • (RF) Clip Art Illustration

  • deejemon
    Jan 14, 09:55 PM

    summer clip art. Ad Header - Retro Clip Art
  • Ad Header - Retro Clip Art

  • bennyboi
    Jan 10, 08:31 PM
    Wow- imagine if someone had the button pressing capability of shifting to Steve's next slide during his keynote. He's building suspense, toying with us, and bam. Revealed. On to next slide, hold, next slide, finally A/V guy turns projector off.
    No SDK for you! 1 year!

    summer clip art. Clip Art Image Description:
  • Clip Art Image Description:

  • dejo
    Apr 25, 03:39 PM
    I declared timer as an instance method:

    - (IBAction) cancelTime: (id) sender;
    - (void) cancelIt:(NSTimer*) timer;


    No, you didn't. You declared cancelTime: and cancelIt: as instance methods, one of which happens to have a timer parameter.

    As such, I'm not sure you have a proper grasp of the fundamental concepts of Objective-C programming so I would suggest you step away from the real coding and go (re)learn those before you come back to this issue.

    summer clip art. Summer clip art
  • Summer clip art

  • dsnort
    Aug 3, 09:08 PM
    I'm going to try to do this without all that cumbersome quoting we've been doing.

    1.Cool, we all need to laugh sometimes. And big company or individual, right is right, and wrong is wrong. It is no more ethical to trample the rights of the large than it is to run roughshod over the small. ( Because where do you draw the line between big and small, and who gets to decide?) And just in case you think I will always jump to Apples defense, I personally think they are dead wrong on the dead pixel issue. Anyone receiving a new product from a manufacturer has a right to expect it to be properly functional with no obvious defects.

    2.What? We agree on something? ( I must have my open mind meter set too high!)

    3.Disagree that iPod is a monopoly. MP3 players introduced in 1998, first download service, Napster P2P, in 1999. iPod into'd 2001. If I remember correctly currently 70% of market(?). Even the French legislature admitted that there was fierce competition in the online music business, and that the competition was effective.

    4.I believe Apples letter to the CC of Norway clarified that changes to the agreement only affected FUTURE downloads, and had no effect on files downloaded prior to the change. There is no "Ex Post Facto" effect.

    5. Ehhh, the balance of power can be a bit slippery. The maiin reason they have all the power, is because we give it to them! We vote with our dollars. Just like the main reason we have $3.00/gallon gas (US) is because we continue to go to the pump and pay $3.00 for a gallon of gas. If we would find ways to limit our usage, the price would come down. But everyone is convinced that they should be able to jump in an auto and hare off around town on the slightest pretext. The wife and I have reduced our gas bill about 40% a week just by taking the time to plan out our trips so as to accomplish as much as possible in one trip, instead of making 5 trips. (Meanwhile, my sister inlaw lives in her car, and is the loudest complainer about the price of gas you've ever heard)
    Similiarly, we have this insane argument over the terms of some service we didn't even know about 10 years ago, but have convinced ourselves we can't live without!

    6.As for the cd thing, I guess only time will which of us, if either of us, is right.

    Well, the wifes abed, need to go before she gets sleepy;)

    G'night, and look forward to hearing from you.


    summer clip art. and sunrays; clip-art
  • and sunrays; clip-art

  • stoid
    Aug 8, 07:20 AM
    Sorry to say this, but you're simplifying things too much. Just because a monitor has the same size/resolution, doesn't mean that the LCD sources are identical.

    FYI, Apple is using LCDs from Lg.Philips, Dell's LCDs come from Samsung. As a matter of fact, the 30" from Samsung for example is an exact copy of the Lg.Philips panel that they developed for Apple: same module dimensions (even fixation holes), electrical interface, etc.
    Because Dell is doing copy-paste, some of the specs are indeed identical. However, Apple displays use IPS (in-plane switching) LCD technology, while Samsung uses PVA (patterned vertical alignment). Consequence of this is that optical specs are slightly different:
    - higher brightness for Dell (because of higher LCD transmission of PVA)
    - higher contrast for Dell (but only perpendicular: contrast decreases very rapidly if you look off-axis at PVA-based panels)
    - superior color stability for Apple (large color shift with viewing angle for PVA, especially for grey tones)

    The latter characteristic is why Apple chooses for Lg.Philips, and why Apple displays are better for graphical applications, despite the slightly lower specifications on paper.

    Be careful! wnurse may not have gotten a nap, and can get very cranky when people point out differences between Dell and Apple monitors. ;)

    Seriously though, wnurse, lighten up and chill out! :cool:

    summer clip art. clip art sun with sunglasses.
  • clip art sun with sunglasses.

  • twoodcc
    May 8, 11:33 AM
    yeah, -smp 12 but one core now shows minimal use. Before I restarted it it showed 4 cores with minimal usage... :confused: I'm going to try tossing the config file and see what happens. And of course it loses the wu each time I shut folding down.

    so do you have it up and folding now?

    i've been working on mine this morning. i gave up on 4.0 ghz and it's now running at 3.7 ghz. i think this is stable, but i guess we'll see

    Apr 25, 02:17 PM
    Screen is clearly faked one way or another.

    The Internet is an easy mark.

    Well then you'll be able to provide specific points as to why it's faked then, no?

    Oct 6, 03:42 PM
    No the add is right. To many people drool over apple so they go with ATT. If you picked AT&T for the iPhone and knew the service was spotty in your area you loose all right to complain about it.

    The smart people out there first pick a network that offers them the price they want and the coverage. Then your worry about what phone to get. The iPhone is not game changing and it sure as hell is not THAT much better any more with all the other phones hitting the market.

    As for the add that was the exact reason why I left them. Verizon had crappy service out in Lubbock Texas and lied about them moving there network out there. They told us 6 months and that 6 months claim turn was not filled 4 years later of course I left at the end of the first year when my contract was up. I switch to AT&T because service was great there and in Houston so I choose them. I choose a network that works were I lived and spend my time.

    They are correct choose a network then worry about your phone. Apple Fan seem to not understand that.

    I still disagree with you. The device is material. The network is supposed to be invisible. You're not supposed to notice the network. AT&T's service isn't great, but I'll put up with it to use the device of my choice.

    The mobile industry has a strange business model compared to other industries. You don't buy a desktop computer that you can only use on one ISP or a car that you can only fill up at particular gas stations (excluding electric). However, If these industries were to operate this way, I still think people would go for the product over the commodity.

    To me, and apparently many others, mobile service is just a commodity. Some may be a bit better than others, but in the end you're getting a comparable service. The devices, on the other hand, vary. And, yes, I still think the iPhone was game changing. All I remember before January 2007 were RAZRs and Chocolates. Unintuitive text-based interfaces with linear button-mashing controls in a hyped-up shell.

    Sep 8, 11:27 AM
    His ignorant comments cost donated money to the victims plan and simple.I agree that his comments were inappropriate for that particular venue, but I'm doubtful that people decided not to donate money to hurricane victims.

    Edit: I forgot which thread I was posting in. I assume that jarednt1 was referring to Kanye West's comments during the fundraiser show last Friday night, or whenever that was. Of course, I don't imagine that Kanye West's comments (if any) at the Apple Keynote had much impact on donations to hurricane victims either. ;)

    Nov 24, 11:11 PM
    should have realized that it was over at 9pm PST, but I did start trying to put my order in at 8:45pm PST. Tried to used my $50 credit from ipod settlement but the promo code field was already filled out so I didn't have anywhere to put it. talked to a rep (just after it passed 9pm PST) by which time the discounts were all gone anyways :( The rep told me, no discount codes can be used today - kind of lame.

    May 5, 09:30 AM
    Are you truly anti-gun or have you just not been exposed to them so that you understand how fun it is:

    1) Use a shotgun to shoot clay targets;

    2) Shoot a rifle, pistol or revolver and realize how much fun it is to shoot a gun and hit your paper target, bowling pin or tin can;

    funny how here in austria with it's conscription service one can easily see how the majority of 18 year olds turn from pro gun to anti gun within 6 months

    after being grouped together with a whole age group across intelligence levels to handle guns, one simply can not take a pro gun stance